
Meaningful Use Definition to Include Mental Health Providers?

US Healthcare

Bill S.3709 was introduced to the Senate, and HR 5040 (it’s match) was introduced to the House on August 5th, both by representatives from Rhode Island.  If these bills pass through both houses and become law, it would expand the definition for those that can meaningfully use EHR technology under the HITECH act to include mental health, behavioral health, psychiatric hospitals, and substance abuse professionals and facilities.  If this happens, then mental health professionals would be able to qualify for EHR implementation stimulus funds.


EHR Incentives and Meaningful Use for Eligible Professionals

August 2010 edition, based on the CMS conference calls from 8/10/10 and 8/12/10, written by Penny Henriksen, Genius’ News Writer/Editor

General Disclaimer:
The views reflected here are not necessarily those of Genius Solutions, it is an article based on the most current information available and the best interpretation of that data available to give you a starting point for your research and understanding of these government programs.  You will see me continually give you links back to the CMS and other government web sites and resources with the direction to go back to the source for information.  Currently the information is coming fast, it’s changing often, and it’s not always easy to understand or interpret.  My intention is not to give you the definitive answer to anything, honestly they may not be down to an ultimate definitive answer to some questions themselves , yet.  The point is to do our best to keep you informed and direct you to sources you can use for complete information and for answers to questions for you and your offices.  This is a rough cut resource so you know what you need to look in to.   We can help guide you to the source, but we are not the source, that would be the Federal Government, as it is their program.

General Information:
There is a lot of information, even this month’s CMS calls didn’t answer all of my questions, but it did give me both a better understanding and a bit more confidence in the program and the proposed payouts.  I am still having a hard time identifying some of the “hows” and “how muchs”.  Hopefully these questions will continue to be asked and cleared up further with each of their teleconferences.  The following information comes straight from their teleconferences and the slides presented, obviously with my  best understanding of them.

**8/19/10 - I received a special request to see charts of the incentive payments, here is a .pdf that will show you the Medicare, Medicaid, and special incentive for Medicare providers in Health Shortage areas.


RAC FAQs: The Q&A session

Why is CMS using recovery audit contractors?

Section 306 of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) required CMS to complete a demonstration project to demonstrate the use of recovery audit contractors in identifying underpayments and overpayments and recouping overpayments under the Medicare program for services for which payment is made under part A or B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act. The demonstration operated from March 2005 through March 27, 2008. Section 302 of the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 (TRHCA) required the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to make the RAC program permanent and nationwide by no later than January 1, 2010. CMS is planning a gradual expansion to all 50 states. The expansion schedule can be viewed at http://www.cms.hhs.gov/RAC.


eTHOMAS Hardware Recommendations and Specifications

We've just posted an update to our eTHOMAS hardware recommendations and specifications.  In view of the questions received regarding Windows 7, 64-bit computer systems etc.  We wanted to let you know that the most current recommendations are now available.

You can click here to download the document and you can access it any time from the web site on the main eTHOMAS product page, right under the eTHOMAS brochure link.


CMS Offering Eligible Professional Training for Incentive Programs

A couple of weeks ago, at the Focus Group sessions, we mentioned how much information CMS is offering to you (and in how many ways) about the changes coming down from the Federal Government.  This is valuable information that affects your office and your ability to get reimbursement; especially if you are after the elusive ARRA stimulus funds being offered (you know that $44,000 they are waving before you beginning next year).

The changes have been coming fast and flooding over the nation as they finally define the terms, conditions, and options that are going to be placed before you.  CMS just announced a free conference, next week 8/10, for you:

"The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) invites you to join us for a national provider call addressing the specifics of the Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive programs for Eligible Professionals. If you are an individual practitioner, this FREE session will help you learn the details of the programs that specifically pertain to you – eligibility, payment, what you need to register, time-line, and meaningful use reporting."  

Here is a link to a PDF of the complete e-mail I received from them.  Fortunately it looks like the links still work in the pdf.  So, definitely sign up... Then I would love to get some comments back from you on the good, bad, and what you think of things after the training session.
