
Shared Genius for December 2014

Shared Genius Practice Solutions From one Genius to Another.

December 2014 support special includes:
End of the Year Procedures

Available now!

If you did not receive this e-mail:

  1. Make sure we have an e-mail address on file for you
  2. Check your "junk" folder
  3. We have been having problems with comcast, wow/wowway, and recently ATT marking our e-mail's as "spam" and bouncing them. Please make sure that you add us to your e-mail's "ok" list. (I am sending from newsletter2010@geniussolutions.com)

We never sell or rent out your e-mail to anyone.  We send monthly Shared Genius e-mails, occasional product, seminar/webinar, and "you've got to know this now" kind of news.



The 2014 Meaningful Use Deadline is Almost Here, Are You Ready?

ehrTHOMAS Users...


You've only got 2 weeks left

Are you MU complete?

December 2014

The Deadline is Almost Here, Are You Ready?

In preparation for Meaningful Use (Both Stage 1 & Stage 2 attestation) please remember to print out and send reminders to patients for preventative/follow-up care (Core 12).

  • The threshold for this objective is 20%.
  • This objective must be completed ONCE during the reporting period.
  • It is best to complete this right before the reporting period ends on December 31st, 2014.
This reminder report should already have been created during your practice’s training period and/or previous attestations.

To print it out, go to Reports > Custom Reports > Select a report > Edit > Print > Send Reminder.

  1. Please make sure you print out your reports and keep a copy as a supporting document for your attestation.
  2. If there is not a report available, please call Genius Solutions to have one set one up.

Got a question?
If you have any questions, please call EHR support.


When to Complete a Security Risk Analysis

When to Complete a Security Risk Analysis - New CMS Guidance

As part of the HIPAA requirements, don’t forget that a security risk analysis must be completed prior to attestation. Review CMS FAQ #10754 , and learn more about this meaningful use requirement below.  A security risk analysis needs to be done whether you are attesting for Stage 1 or Stage 2.  It is part of the Meaningful Use requirements.  For more information, read the updated FAQ.

Per CMS:

  • Conducting a security risk analysis is required when certified EHR technology is adopted in the first reporting year
  • In subsequent reporting years, or when changes to the practice or electronic systems occur, a review must be conducted.

They also provide many helps:

And definitely SUBSCRIBE to their e-News and you will get this sort of news in your in box!


Shared Genius for November 2014

Shared Genius Practice Solutions From one Genius to Another.

November 2014 support special includes:
seasonal patient addresses, patient waiting list, new EHR update, and more!

Available now!

If you did not receive this e-mail:

  1. Make sure we have an e-mail address on file for you
  2. Check your "junk" folder
  3. We have been having problems with comcast, wow/wowway, and recently ATT marking our e-mail's as "spam" and bouncing them. Please make sure that you add us to your e-mail's "ok" list. (I am sending from newsletter2010@geniussolutions.com)

We never sell or rent out your e-mail to anyone.  We send monthly Shared Genius e-mails, occasional product, seminar/webinar, and "you've got to know this now" kind of news.


Thanks, Penny (newsletter editor)  :D


Got Scribe?

If not, you might want to consider one (or more).

With documentation becoming more than just a word and EHR becoming a reality, most offices are trying to find ways to work more efficiently.  EHRs just don't seem like awesome replacements for sliced bread, especially if you've been practicing just fine without them for your entire professional career.  However, they are taking over, whether you want them to or not.  One of the best ways to cope with and EHR and its additional documentation and coding, yet still keep your sanity and your patient satisfaction can be for the doctor to continue being a doctor and dealing with patients face-to-face, while someone else scribes (or documents) patient encounters for the doctor – getting down all of the vital patient information, the doctor findings and responses, and any work done, as well as the recommended treatment plan.  


Shared Genius October 2014 Edition

Shared Genius Practice Solutions From one Genius to Another.
October 2014 support special includes:
claim status, custom reports, updating, & more!

Available now!


CMS Re-Opens 2015 Hardship Exceptions Through November 2014

Per the ONC:

CMS announced that it is going to reopen the submission period for hardship exception applications for eligible professionals and eligible hospitals, allowing them to possibly avoid the 2015 Medicare payment adjustments for not demonstrating (via attestation) EHR meaningful use with Certified Electronic Health Record Technology (CEHRT).

The new deadline will be November 30, 2014. (The previous application deadline was April 1, 2014 for eligible hospitals and July 1, 2014 for eligible professionals.)

This is especially noteworthy for anyone who missed attesting for stage 1 year 1 attestation last week.
For more information about the payment adjustments or hardship guidelines, visit the CMS page HERE.

Here is the application form.


"Error" in eTHOMAS for ICD-10?

If you are receiving a message in eTHOMAS when posting charges or payments regarding ICD-10, you can disregard it.  This message was programmed into THOMAS when the ICD-10 deadline was still October 1st, 2014.  The new ICD-10 deadline is now October 1st, 2015.  To remove the reminder to bill out in ICD-10, you will need to autoupdate your eTHOMAS software.  You must be on version 9.4.06 or higher.  (You can check for your version of eTHOMAS in the upper right corner, under the "E", when the program is open.)


New EHR Meaningful Use Webinars

New EHR Meaningful Use (MU) Webinars for Stage 1 and Stage 2 users. Click Here for the New Dates and Times. Additionally... We are in the process of putting a page together for "EHR Meaningful User" under "Resources" where we will have a home for all of the information I'm going to list in a minute, up-to-date schedules for webinars, and a place to put evolving information as it becomes available.
  • If you are in Stage 1 Year 1 and started reporting your MU numbers on July 1st, please remember that the end of the reporting period is coming up (October 1st). Additionally, you must attest by Oct 1st to avoid payment adjustments. 
  • If you did not start your reporting for MU on July 1st, and are still Stage 1-Year 1, you are still able to receive your incentive payment if you start reporting from Oct1st - Dec 31st.
  • If you are Stage 1- year 2,  or Stage 2- year 1, your last reporting period this year is Oct 1st - Dec 31st. If you are a Stage 2 office, it is important that you read up on all the new measures for Stage 2. 
  •  It is very important for ALL of you, regardless of what stage you are in, to perform a Security Risk Analysis during their reporting period. This is part of the HIPAA requirements for meaningful use. Here are some good links regarding that measure:
  1. http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/Downloads/SecurityRiskAssessment_FactSheet_Updated20131122.pdf 
  2. http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/downloads/14_Protect_Electronic_Health_Information.pdf 
  • We have webinars/documents that will help them through whichever stage they are in. (Click here for the webinars and visit the GS website next week for additional information and documents.) 
  • Here are some additional helpful links:
  1. The decision “Widget” from the CMS website 
  2. Available Systems 
  3. Also, if your office is "less than prepared" you may qualify for a hardship exemption. Unfortunately, it’s probably too late this year to get it in but just in case for next year - Here is the information.

Shared Genius September 2014 Edition

Shared Genius Practice Solutions From one genius to another.
September 2014 support special includes:
rejections, pre-billing errors, reconciling patient accounts, & more!

Available now!


CMS Issues Final Rule for 2014 EHR Incentive Program Participation

CMS just released a final rule regarding provider EHR incentive program participation for the 2014 program year.

It has been a long haul for those trying to implement and use an EHR program to complete the government’s incentive program.  Especially this year, as the transition from stage 1 to stage 2 meaningful use is supposed to be occurring.  Nothing is ever easy. Even for those providers who started their EHR journeys a couple of years ago, there was change that needed to occur.  Most had hoped that the EHRs they’d invested in would progress and roll with the government changes.  Many found out that this was not going to happen without additional work, frustration, pain, and money from them, so many have dropped out. 


Shared Genius August 2014 Edition

Shared Genius Practice Solutions From one genius to another.
August 2014 support special includes:
THOMAS date tricks, billed claims, and more!

Available now!


It Takes a Billing Class to Train Some Geniuses

PR Henriksen, the character
You might not know this but here at Genius Solutions the vast majority of our software support staff and all of our trainers have worked in various healthcare settings:  offices, hospitals, support staff, billers, office managers, multiple office managers, and more.  Basically our Genius support is made up of practical medical office specialists, software geeks, and hardware tech specialists who are hardware, networking, and software geeks.  There is a lot, and quite a variety, of expert knowledge on call, for your calls.

Me? I started at Genius in support, as part of the software geek zone (with some generally nerdy hardware tendencies).


Transparency and Leaving Doctors’ Data Hanging out in the Breeze

The Sunshine Act was passed as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (health care reform) in 2010, but CMS decided to delay data collection in connection with the act until 2013.  The Act was designed to give transparency to the money and dealings between physicians, pharmaceutical companies, medical device and other medical supply manufacturers, as well as ownership or investment interests in group purchasing organizations.  Physicians and manufacturers are to report (or disclose) any and all such incentives and payments they receive to CMS.  Payments need to be reported by date and amount as well as list the nature of the payment or incentive (i.e. gifts, meals, speaking honoraria, etc). 

The thought was that if these little promos, pluses, gifts, and payments were known, it would cut down on things like drugs being dispensed because doctors got good gifts and perks, rather than prescribing what would be best for their patients or possibly lying about results or usage for drug reporting purposes.  That’s not giving doctors very much credit in my book. 


Finally! CMS Announces New ICD-10 "GO" Date

FINALLY!  CMS announces ICD-10 "GO" date IS now October 1st, 2015!

Interesting, the article doesn't note anything about a comment period, it simply says, this is the date.  I guess nothing but bumping the date ahead, might not need an additional comment period as it had been done before.

So, what are you doing now to prepare?


Shared Genius: July 2014

Shared Genius Practice Solutions From one genius to another.
July 2014 support special includes: Claim Forms, Genius Solutions Training

Available now!


e-Statement Printing Confirmations

If you use our e-Statement service, you will receive a fax confirmation when the statements are printed.  When you sends 2 files (one for each system- especially if you send one from dT and one from eT), and they are printed at the same time, you will only receive a confirmation for the first file processed.

We recommend that you only send one file at a time, wait to receive the fax confirmation from that first file, and then send your next e-Statemtent file. This way you will receive a confirmation for each file.


Shared Genius: June 2014

Shared Genius Practice Solutions From one genius to another.

 June 2014:  277s, "bad address", appointments, time blocks, & more!

Available now!

Editor Addition:
In the e-mail I posted that the new date for ICD-10 was Oct 1, 2015 (after finding said information in more than three good sources).  In investigating further, we crawled through the CMS website and this is the wording posted:

"On April 1, 2014, the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (PAMA) (Pub. L. No. 113-93) was enacted, which said that the Secretary may not adopt ICD-10 prior to October 1, 2015. Accordingly, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services expects to release an interim final rule in the near future with a new compliance date for the use of ICD-10 codes beginning October 1, 2015. The rule will also require HIPAA covered entities to continue to use ICD-9-CM through September 30, 2015. "

So, the current date that has been listed of Oct. 1, 2015 is really wishful/hopeful thinking by everyone.  (Although it does look like CMS is hopeful for the same thing.)  According to the above paragraph the "interim final rule" has yet to be created or released, after which there is always a 60-day comment period, and then, eventually, a final rule will be issued.  There is no date on this note on the CMS website either, so we'll all have to check back into this page to see when some movement begins to occur.  So, continue not panicking, and definitely continue to prepare for ICD-10 implementation.


Michgan Blues Claim Filing DEADline

BCBS of Michigan sent out an e-mail recently stating that the Blues will retire their local system on Oct. 31, 2014. Since they will no longer process claims on that system, all claims filed on the local system must be submitted and received by Sept. 15, 2014, in order to be processed.

If you submit a claim after the filing limits, BCBSM will not offer any special handling or filing extensions, and no payment will be due from BCBSM or the subscriber. All health care providers must follow claim-filing deadlines (as you can see, there are no exceptions here).

For more information about this change, please refer to the March 2014 Record.

Blue Cross defined the local contracts, which have been migrating to their new system and will be completely migrated mid September.
These local contracts include:
  • Local and Medicare Advantage group numbers: Five digits
  • MOS group numbers: Nine digits
  • NASCO group numbers: Five digits, usually starting with a seven or eight
  • BCN group numbers: Eight digits

Any clam submitted with one of the local contracts (listed above); whether it is a secondary, resubmission, or original needs to be received by Blue Cross no later than September 15, 2014 or it will not be processed.

Patients with local contracts should have received a new contract number to go through the new system.

You can contact Provider Inquiry at Blue Cross of Michigan for more information.

Provider Inquiry Information:

If you’re calling from this area code
Hours of operation
Use this phone number
248, 313, 586, 734, 810 or 947
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
517, 989
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
231, 269, 616, *989
8 a.m. noon,
1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
8:30 a.m. to noon,
1:05 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Outside Michigan
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For questions about BCBSM employees only, contact our Ombudsman office.
8:30 a.m. to noon,
12:50 p.m. to 5 p.m.


Shared Genius: May 2014

Shared Genius Practice Solutions From one genius to another.

May 2014 support special includes: ICD-10: New Date!, ehrTHOMAS, Railroad Medicare,  UB04, CMS-1500, Pre-billing errors and more.

 Available now!


It's Official! ehrTHOMAS is ONC HIT 2014 Certified

Who is ONC HIT 2014 Certified? ehrTHOMAS is!

It is official.  Genius Solutions, Inc.'s ehrTHOMAS has received our ONC HIT 2014 Edition Complete Certification from ICSA Labs.  Yep, we're glowing right now.  Our programming department has been working very hard to not only get ehrTHOMAS ready, but to get it through certification.  Now it's here.

Want to know more about our ONC HIT 2014 Certified Complete EHR?

Oh, and you can call us at 1.586.751.9080/1.800.645.0955 (outside of Michigan) and ask for Sales, they'll be happy to give you a tour!

If you haven't gotten our letter yet, you should shortly.  It is as follows:


Shared Genius: April 2014

Shared Genius Practice Solutions From one genius to another.
April 2014 support special includes: ICD-10 delay, NDC updates, Railroad Medicare

Available now!


THOMAS Users: NDC Update and View!

Due to recent changes with how NDC information is to be reported for payment, a change has been made to accommodate the reporting of a Unit Count in the CTP-04 in the 2410 loop and a Unit Price, if required, in Item 24 of the CMS-1500 (02-12) form. There are detailed instructions and information on our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5AnkLXxuUU In addition, you can view the printed information at http://www.media.geniussolutions.com/94/NDCChange.pdf

Visit our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/geniussolutionsinc

Genius Solutions


President Signs HR 4302 Into Law

On Tuesday April 1, 2014 the President signed HR 4302 into law. The bill's purpose was to delay the 24% decrease in Medicare payments until the SGR can be permanently fixed.

Also tucked into the bill was a delay in the implementation of ICD-10 ("Until no sooner than October 1, 2015").  eTHOMAS can and is ready for ICD-10 whenever it is needed.

eTHOMAS has the built-in flexibility to bill out in ICD-10 codes or to continue bill out with ICD-9 codes. We encourage you to continue your preparations and use the delay to become fully functional with the new ICD-10 code set and get your EHRs up and ready to attest by September (if you have never previously attested).

This bill passage DOES NOT affect the use of the the new CMS-1500 form, the 1% Medicare reduction if you don't attest for meaningful use this year by September 1st, or other items in connection with the ARRA stimulus program.


Senate Passes House Bill 4302

The US Senate passed House Bill 4302 ( a bill) on March 31, 2014.   This is the bill we just told you about and it's primary purpose is to extend (another temporary measure) the 24% Medicare SGR (Sustainable Growth Rate) increase given until they can resolve the SGR in a better way.  Of course this extension would mean that the SGR would again- NOT be fixed.

Somehow, someone was able to also tuck a clause into this bill, that if it passes, it will delay the planned ICD-10 implementation until Oct. 1, 2015. This bill will now proceed to the President for final approval or veto before becoming law.

Unfortunately this quick fix, from not fixing the SGR (WHICH STILL NEEDS TO BE FIXED)- while seemingly getting you your money - will in fact cost millions and then some.  Plus more millions for delaying ICD-10 implementation for another year (CMS had previously estimated another delay may potentially have a price tag of $6.6 billion impact).

I could find nothing that said that there would be any delay on the 1% Medicare take-backs scheduled to being for not meaningfully using an EHR (attesting by this year at latest - within the first 9 mo, for 90 days).  Or that there would be any delays regarding Stage 2 Meaningful Use.  Which makes sense as both of these are tied to the 2009 ARRA "stimulus" act, not the SGR (but considering they managed to throw an ICD-10 delay in there, it was worth a look).

Here is a link to the bill.
Here is a link to another good article discussing what this delay means to you, from EHR Intelligence.
Here is a link to a great Fierce Healthcare article & it has links at the bottom for the AMA, AHIMA, HIMSS.


CMS holding claims April 1st

CMS has instructed all contractors to “hold” claims that have a service date of April 1, 2014 for ten days.  This would allow congress time to vote on stopping the 24% decrease that is scheduled take effect April 1, 2014.  So you may see that your Medicare checks are not coming through as expected in April.


Attention: Attestation, ICD-10, and SGR Updates!


Ever Attested?

If this is your first year to attest for Meaningful Use – You need to be working it now!  Literally.

Payment Adjustments for NOT being a Meaningful User kick in January 1, 2015.
As part of the 2009 ARRA “Stimulus” program, if you DO NOT attest for meaningful use, by this year, your Medicare payments will be reduced by 1% for each year you are not a meaningful user.  [Up to 5% loss, “depending on the total number of eligible meaningful user providers after 2018”, assuming less than 75% meaningful users the reductions are set to cap off at 5%.]


Shared Genius

"Practice solutions from one genius to another."

The Evolution of Shared Genius

Support accosted me and said, "We have these great questions that come up and awesome tips we'd like to share with everyone. Can you help us?" Of course I said, "Sure!" And here we are.

This is a new mini Genius Solutions Newsletter with Tips and Tricks from Support, to you, with love. Our plan is to put this out once a month, to start, and see how things go. If you have a question or tip you would like shared, please e-mail us and we'll take a look at it. This is SHARED GENIUS after all. :D



dTHOMAS v9.06

New CMS-1500 Form

The time is now!

Version 9.06 of dTHOMAS
We are pleased to announce the release of Version 9.06 of dTHOMAS! This version includes the ability to prepare and print the new CMS-1500 (02-12) claim form for the April 2014 deadline.

Genius ICD-10 Seminars- On the Road

Ok, so my hair isn't this short, but we do put this much work into our presentations! :D

We started off last Friday to a packed house of Medical Specialties.  April is already half-full and we are still trying to look and schedule additional seminars as quickly as possible.  So far, here is the current Schedule:

We are currently looking at Pensacola, FL in May (still trying to secure a location).
And we are looking for additional areas in Michigan (if you have an awesome suggestion, please feel free to add it in the comments).

For those who aren't in Michigan or Florida, we are also looking at doing some sort of epic online conference for you.... We're still investigating the best way to do this.

As soon as we add more dates and locations, we will definitely post them on the website (under EVENTS), on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Although we do have lots to share, we are looking at what more we can add to help you prepare for ICD-10, HIPAA compliance, and more - I will also let you know if the agenda or guests change as we work towards October and the end of the year.

As always - we are looking forward to visiting with you soon!  :D


Whoo Hoo - eTHOMAS v 9.4 is ready for download!

We are pleased to announce the release of Version 9.4 of eTHOMAS!  Version 9.4 includes a variety of new features including, the new CMS-1500 (02-12) claim form for the April 2014 deadline, the ICD-10 framework for the October 2014 deadline, a new Diagnosis Summary report, enhancements to Statement/Service Charges, and much, much more!

We have created many different how-to tools and tutorials for you.  You can access our What’s New in 9.4 document from within eTHOMAS, click on Messaging | Genius on the Web, click on FYI and then General for an overview of some of the many enhancements you will receive with this update.  Each change is also detailed in the Messaging Tab under What’s New.  Here you can view a short description of changes released and the corresponding version of eTHOMAS.

With this version of eTHOMAS and future versions (9.4, 9.5, 9.6, etc.) you will be presented with a EULA (End User Licensing Agreement) that must be accepted prior to gaining access to THOMAS.  You may view the entire EULA in Messaging | Licensing & Agreements.

In addition to these resources, we have created step-by-step tutorials relating to ICD-10 and the new CMS-1500 (02-12) claim form on our YouTube™ Channel at www.youtube.com/geniussolutionsinc where you can view videos of the upcoming industry changes.

We are also hosting weekly webinars with up-to-date information relating to ICD-10 and the new claim form.  Visit our website at www.geniussolutions.com and click on the “Free ICD-10 weekly webinars” link.  Choose a date that works best for you and send us a registration form.

Genius Solutions, Inc.


Got IDC-10 Videos? We do!

We now have a YouTube Channel!  

Currently, the videos pertain to ICD-10 and the New CMS-1500 (02-12) claim form which is in version 9.4 of eTHOMAS.  Version 9.4 is scheduled to be released in early February 2014.  Check the channel often as videos will be regularly updated.

Our videos can be found on our YouTube Channel at the following link: http://www.youtube.com/user/geniussolutionsinc/videos?view=1&flow=grid.  This link will take you directly to the videos playlist on our channel.   The different playlists represent various topics relating to our products, industry related changes, and most important to you right now- ICD-10 and the new CMS-1500 (02-12) claim form.

You can also access our videos and in the playlist order if you go to our YouTube Channel link, which is www.youtube.com/geniussolutionsinc  From the main page of our channel, you can click on "Videos".  Use the drop-down menu labeled “Uploads” and select “Playlists” to view the videos in their playlist order by topic.


Got an ICD-10 Plan for 2014?

Ready to kick 2014 into ICD-10 gear? 
Find out about & Register for one of our free webinars HERE.
If you are a billing service - we have a seminar coming up Jan 24th in Warren, MI, just for you!


Happy 2014!

The next Genius Solutions First Friday of the Month Conference Call is scheduled for Friday January 3rd at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time.
Planned topics for the conference call (so far) are:

As usual, we will try to record the conference for those who can not attend in person and make it available on our News Page a couple of days later. http://www.geniussolutions.com/news For more on how to get in on the call - check out the instructions on our Facebook page:  http://tinyurl.com/GSmedicalFB