
Shared Genius for January 2015

Shared Genius Practice Solutions From one Genius to Another.

January 2015 includes:
First and Last visit dates, automated statements, and more!

Available now!

THOMAS Users...


Practice Solutions

From one genius to another.

January 2015

eTHOMAS Tips & Tricks

Where do the First and Last Visit Dates, on the Patient Information screen, pull from?

The first and last visit dates come from Procedure Codes with the “Visit” box checked (in Procedure Code files). By default, when you add a new procedure code, it is pre-marked as a “visit”. When you post a charge, using a procedure code with the "visit" box checked, the transaction/procedure being posted will be marked as a visit, and the date in the patient's information will be updated.

This is great, but what if a procedure isn't supposed to count as a visit? For example: What if I am using a code for an injection and I don't want that date reflected in the patient information as a "visit"? If you find such a procedure code, go to that code in your Procedure Code files, and uncheck the "visit" box. Done.

Did you know that Genius Solutions has an option for automated statements built into eTHOMAS?  Ever wanted to have someone else print and mail them out for you?

Saving you time and money is what we do! Automated Statements are statements that are generated by eTHOMAS and can be printed out, folded, and mailed to your patients- FOR you- saving you time, money, product, and storage. Call 586.751.9080 or 800.645.0955 (out of Michigan) for pricing and set-up. You can also find more information on the websites under "Services".

ehrTHOMAS Tips & Tricks

2015 is here! Are You on Schedule for Meaningful Use this year?

New webinars for meeting Stage 1 and 2 Meaningful Use in 2015 are now available.... And did we mention - THEY'RE FREE!

Got a Tip?
If you have a question or tip you would like shared, please e-mail us and we'll take a look at it. This is SHARED GENIUS after all. :D

— Genius Solutions, Inc.

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