Happy Holidays! & Holiday Schedule!
Genius Solutions will be open normal hours (8am-6pm EST) Tues-Thursday 12/27-12/29.
Genius will be closed for the holidays Fri-Mon both holiday weekends - 12/23-12/26 & 12/30-1/2.
Be a Deductible Genius with eTHOMAS Cycle Statements
How does this help? Most offices send out patient statements at the beginning of the month, then notice that they have transferred a lot more money to patient balances after those statements were sent. Now you can do "cycle statements" in the middle of the month. Cycle Statements will ONLY prepare for patients who have had new activity posted to their account since their last statement. This includes charges, payments, transfer balances, debits, and credits. This allows you to notify your patients of their updated balances sooner, without sending a duplicate statement to patients with no new activity. Using cycle statements can save your patients confusion and frustration while freeing up office time from you answering those duplicate questions.
VoilĂ you're now a deductible genius!
End of Year Care for THOMAS & 1st Friday call for December 2016
Some ideas for you before you post any charges for 2017:
- Complete all posting of payments and charges that you have received up until 12/31/2010. Do not post 2011 information until this is completed.
- Run all the reports your accountant wants for year end. Ask the CPA now if they have all the documentation they need BEFORE you post next year's stuff.
Meridian Issues
Many of our clients are receiving a
communication from Meridian regarding Taxonomy code to be required on all
claims effective 01/01/2017.
At this time know that Genius Solutions
is are working with Meridian to determine the what, where and how of this
recent change.
At this time there is nothing for you to
do inside your eThomas program. Genius
Solutions will post more once this issue is resolved.
ADAMS "Didn't call"
DSL snafu week continues. 11/22 ADAMS reports may show "Didn't call" for some patients. They were called, but the results didn't load. :-(
Happy Thanksgiving 2016
Wishing you and your family a fabulous and tasty holiday weekend.
Remember that Genius Solutions will be closed Thursday and Friday (11/24-25).
DLS Line Down
Our DSL line is down right now, so you will not be able to send statements to us until it is back up. :-(
#geniussolutions #statements #DSL
Update 11/22/16
Trying to send statements? We've been told our DSL is not expected to be up before 9pm Wed, 11/23. :-(
#GeniusSolutions #automatedstatements
Update 11/23/16
Automated Statements are up and running. DSL- online. :D
#GeniusSolutions #statements #DSL #wereback
#geniussolutions #statements #DSL
Update 11/22/16
Trying to send statements? We've been told our DSL is not expected to be up before 9pm Wed, 11/23. :-(
#GeniusSolutions #automatedstatements
Update 11/23/16
Automated Statements are up and running. DSL- online. :D
#GeniusSolutions #statements #DSL #wereback
Happy 30th Birthday Genius Solutions!
We are celebrating our Genius Solutions, Inc. 30th birthday today. We want you to join us. We've created a little video to show you a little about 30 years of Genius and a big Thank-You to you, our clients who have helped us to get here.
As the video mentions - we would love to hear your Genius stories to help us celebrate our 30th birthday. Please feel free to post stories, thoughts, congrats, whatever you would like - send us an e-mail, post to Twitter or Facebook. You are part of our 30-year history and we would love to hear from you too.
As the video mentions - we would love to hear your Genius stories to help us celebrate our 30th birthday. Please feel free to post stories, thoughts, congrats, whatever you would like - send us an e-mail, post to Twitter or Facebook. You are part of our 30-year history and we would love to hear from you too.
Navicure Live Webinar: Unlock the Mystery - Tips to Improving Cash Flow
Unlock the Mystery - Tips to Improving Cash Flow |
October 25 | 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
1.5 CEU*
for attending the live event.
Just like a haunted house, your organization’s revenue cycle can be frightening, filled with dead-ends, spooky distractions and rushed decision-making that slows or stops you from reaching your goal of accelerated cash flow.
Unlock the revenue optimization mystery at the crucial points, from financial clearance to final payment of the patient’s responsibility, by attending a complimentary webinar on Tuesday, October 25th at 1 pm EDT/10 am PDT: Unlock the Mystery - Tips to Improving Cash Flow
During this one-hour webinar (with 30 min Q&A), you’ll hear industry expert Ginny
Shipp, discuss how to:
- Assess shifts in the market that are changing the focus on revenue cycle management.
- Determine seven strategies to improve cash flow for your organization.
- Develop an action plan for your organization to optimize revenue cycle management in the current reimbursement landscape.
Optimize your organization’s action plan to ensure that you – and your bottom line – experience “treats” not “tricks” in 2017!
Participants can earn 1.5 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) from
the AAPC by attending the live webinar.*
About the Speaker
2017 ICD-10 Update - Do it now!
You should be on eTHOMAS v9.5.21
Are you 2017 ICD-10 Ready?
You're down to about a week!
ICD-10 code changes have been released for the 2017 fiscal year. Genius has made your update to the 2017 codes push-button easy! But... First you have to update your eTHOMAS program.
- Back up
- Update
- Watch the Video Here
- Follow the video
- Do it over the next week
- You are good to go!
2017 ICD-10 Revisions are Here!
ICD-10 code changes have been released for the 2017 fiscal year. Genius is making your update to the 2017 codes push-button easy! But... First you have to update your eTHOMAS program.
Genius made updates to the ICD-10 master list. You will be able to import diagnosis codes directly from this list. To obtain the new master list, you will need to update your eTHOMAS. The version that contains these updates is 9.5.21.
If you would like to be an early adopter, you can call support this next week, and they will get you updated and started. After Sept. 19th you may do a regular THOMAS update to receive the same final 9.5.21 version, and will not have to call support.
For 2017, there are 1,974 additional diagnosis codes, 311 deleted codes, and 425 revised codes. The coding changes are to be used on claims with dates of service from October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. To view a complete list of changes visit for professional claims you can view them HERE.
After your update is complete, you'll have the ability to see changes to your codes that were previously imported. Under the Utilities Tab >Maintenance>Check Dx Codes will provide you with a list of codes that are loaded into your THOMAS program, that no longer match the master list. This will allow you to update the new revisions and deletions from the previous code set.
You will also have the ability to go to Code Files>Procedures>Diagnosis and choose the import feature. Under the "Select For" drop down, you will notice a new category under each breakdown, with (2017) in front of the description. These breakdowns include only the newly added codes for the 2017 fiscal year.
Would you rather watch and learn?
Coming soon! Stay tuned to our YouTube Channel for video.9/01/2016
Genius First Friday September Call

Shared Genius: August 2016
Shared Genius Practice Solutions From one Genius to Another.
August 2016 includes:
statement notes & connecting with support
Available now!
You can update to eTHOMAS v9.5.20 now!
Genius Solutions is excited to release our latest version of eTHOMAS, version 9.5.20.
This version is the first step in allowing you, our clients, to update your information at Genius Solutions without additional paperwork or phone calls (i.e. things like Contacts, keys, new doctors, etc.). The first feature that has been added is Contacts. Contacts are representatives from you business who Genius Solutions Support Department are able to work with, because you have authorized them as contacts for us.
The Support Department is currently contacting clients to update and some additional processing must be completed manually by us. What does this mean for our clients? If you are currently running version 9.5.20, you can contact our Support Department (option 6) and they will complete the short manual process, and walk you through updating your Contacts. If you prefer to wait, a Support Technician will contact you soon. Either way, if you update your THOMAS to this new version or newer, before we call each other, you will speed up the update process.
*Please Note: You do not have to call us when updating. Your program will not be hindered in any way if we cannot do the manual update tweaks for you immediately after you update. BUT, we will want to/need to do this manual adjustment for you as other future features will depend on it, so go ahead and update, we will be calling.
Navicure Live Webinar: 5 Ways to Improve Your Revenue Cycle Team
Webinar: 5 Ways to Improve Your Revenue Cycle Team
August 18 | 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
1.0 CEU*
for attending the live event.
Is your revenue cycle team helping or
hurting your organization’s financial success? In a
complimentary webinar sponsored by Navicure®, learn how staff empowerment can
improve your organization’s financial health.
Get all the details by attending a live webinar on Thursday,
August 18th at 1 pm EDT/10 am PDT: 5 Ways
to Improve Your Revenue Cycle Team.
During this one-hour webinar, you’ll hear industry expert Ginny
Shipp, discuss how to:
- Provide your staff with the revenue cycle information
they need to be successful
- Effectively communicate with patients, insurance
companies, and co-workers (including
peers, management, and clinical staff)
- Establish a clear financial policy
- Manage change
Participants can earn 1.0 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) from
the AAPC by attending the live webinar.*
About the Speaker
August 2016 First Friday Conference Call
The next Genius Solutions First Friday of the Month
Conference Call is scheduled for Friday August 5th at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time.
Planned topics for the conference call (so far) are:
Genius 2016 Fall Focus Group Seminars
Upcoming Focus Group Seminars
Click the link (above) for details & to register.
Topics Include
- New Features for eTHOMAS
- Tips and Tricks
- AutoPosting
- HIPAA (Including Social Media Pitfalls)
- Customer Service in a Medical Office
- Clearinghouse Options
- EHR Meaningful Use
Trizetto: Go Digital Free Webinars August 2016
Genius Solutions Presents:
Go Digital.
Are you ready to collect more for your practice, faster?
Register today. Two dates available! | ||||
Navicure Live Webinar: Improve Your Patient Collections Vital Signs
Webinar: Improve Your Patient Collections Vital Signs
Tuesday, July 19th | 1:00 pm – 2:30
pm EDT
1.0 CEU*
for attending the live event. Then stay on for an extended Q&A session.
In a complimentary webinar sponsored by Navicure®, learn how
patient-friendly collections practices can increase your bottom line. During this 60-minute
webinar and extended Q&A period, industry expert Susan
Childs, FACMPE, will discuss how to:
- Identify patient expectation vital points that increase your odds of collecting patient
- Apply “real-life” workflows to your specific patient
population to reduce costs and improve
- Discover the advantages of transparency for both you and your patients.
- Benefit from electronic payment options such as Credit Card on File (CCOF), payment plans and
About the Speaker
Susan Childs, FACMPE, founded Evolution
Healthcare Consulting after establishing her career in hospital and public
accounting in healthcare administration. She is a Board Certified Fellow of the
American College of Medical Practice Executives and an MGMA ACMPE Leader. Her
experience covers all facets of operations; interim administration, new
practice start up and change management, direct pay, patient’s active
participation, role definition, staff accountability, revenue cycle, and
financial checks and balances. Susan is an accomplished speaker, presenting at
local and national venues. She has served as MGMA ACMPE State Rep, Advancement
Committee Chair along with local Boards and State Leadership.
Genius Product and Services Showcase

We will be sending out an e-mail about every month or so, to showcase some of our products, partners, and services. You may not know about them, or you may now be ready to hear more about them. First up is "Getting More Money Back Into Your Office", which breaks down into a few different areas: collections, pre-checks, follow-up and follow-throughs.
Free Navicure Webinar: Electronic Remittance Advice-An Important Part of Your Revenue Cycle
Electronic Remittance Advice: An Important Part of Your Revenue Cycle
Wednesday, June 15th | 1:00 pm – 2:00
pm EDT
Receiving remittances electronically saves you time and money! Automation is the key to a more efficient revenue cycle and an increase in your cash flow. ERA is a proven concept and streamlines revenue cycle work flow.
Learn more about how this works by attending a complimentary webinar, Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA): An Important Part of Your Revenue Cycle, on Wednesday, June 15th at 1:00 pm EDTsponsored by Navicure®.
During this event, you'll hear Ginny Shipp, Practice Management Specialist at inSight Solutions, discuss:
- The cost benefits of ERA, including less paper and printing, less storage, and lower administrative costs
- Increasing efficiency by auto-posting payments received, re-allocating your staff to follow up on unpaid balances sooner, and quicker processing of secondary claims
- How ERA improves the revenue cycle
About the Speaker
Ginny Shipp has over 25 years experience in the Healthcare industry, including building a successful medical billing company, practice management, and practice consulting. She is best known for creating effective workflow processes to create operational efficiencies. She is also a certified coach who works with physicians and administrative staff to become more effective leaders who can maintain a high level of patient care and increase practice revenue. Billing cycle development, reimbursement strategies, and effective use of technology, in addition to streamlining workflow, are among the most critical areas on which Ginny focuses with each practice.
Happy May 5th & No Genius Call on Friday
There will be NO First Friday of the Month call tomorrow (Friday 5/6). If you have a topic you would like covered, send it in.
In the meantime- fiesta!
In the meantime- fiesta!
Billing with Navicure just got better!
Navicure Presents: Business Intelligence in a Value-Based World
Live Webinar: Business
Intelligence in a Value-Based World
Tuesday, April 19 | 1:00 pm – 2:00
pm EDT
Earn 1.0 CEU* for attending the
live event.
Business intelligence is a prerequisite for effective
value-based medicine. Are
you making informed decisions based on correct data to position your
organization in a value-based world?
Find out by attending a complimentary webinar on Tuesday, April
19th at 1 pm EDT/10 am PDT: Business
Intelligence in a Value-Based World.
During this one-hour webinar sponsored by Navicure®, you’ll hear
national consultant and industry expert Deborah Walker Keegan, PhD, FACMPE,
- The current state of business intelligence by insurers, vendors and healthcare organizations
- How to develop business intelligence that drives informed decision-making and actionable
- How to build a business value scorecard for your organization
Participants can earn 1.0 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) from
the AAPC and PAHCOM by attending the live webinar.*
Register for this live webinar today!3/29/2016
Genius Solutions April 2016 First Friday of the Month Conference Call
The next Genius Solutions First Friday of the Month
Conference Call is scheduled for Friday April 1st at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time.
Planned topics for the conference call (so far) are:
- Thanks for verifying your email address
- Deleted CPT X-Ray codes 72010, 72069, and 72090
- ICD-10 changes happening October 1, 2016
- Things to do regarding HIPAA security audits
- It's easier to connect to Genius with "Connect to GS Support"
- Social Security Number changes in eTHOMAS VERSION: 9.5.14
- We're in Chicago for Midwest Podiatry Convention 3/30-4/3
- Chiro MAC Spring 2016 Convention at Grand Traverse 4/29
- BCBSM EDI -VS- Navicure or Trizetto/Gateway
- TriZetto Provider Solutions webinars
- Final comments
Genius Solutions' May Focus Group Seminars
- New Features for eTHOMAS
- Tips and Tricks
- AutoPosting
- HIPAA (Including Social Media Pitfalls)
- Customer Service in a Medical Office
- Value Based Reimbursement – Is It Coming?
- Clearinghouse Options
- EHR Meaningful Use
Increase Your Revenue with Trizetto: Free Webinar
Ready to find out how to increase your revenue? Register now to attend a free webinar hosted by Genius Solutions & TriZetto Provider Solutions to learn more:
Download the full infographic for more information.
Denial Management with Navicure
Live Webinar: Denial Management in aPost ICD-10 Implementation World
Tuesday, March 22 | 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDTEarn 1.0 CEU* for attending the live event.
As payers tighten ICD-10 claim requirements, denials may start to increase. Don’t let ICD-10 denials become a revenue drain. Take the necessary steps now to maximize your reimbursement.
Have You Attested for 2015 yet? You have a week.
A friendly reminder.
Per Medicare's correspondence:
"Eligible professionals, eligible hospitals, and critical access hospitals (CAHs) participating in the Medicare Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program must attest using the Medicare & Medicaid EHR Incentive Program Registration and Attestation System by Friday, March 11, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. ET."
If you do not attest, you are subject to a Medicare payment percentage penalty going forward.
Visit the Registration and Attestation page on the CMS EHR Incentive Programs website
For ehrThomas Information: Check out our free webinars
Don't Live in Denial. Check Out Navicure's New 1 CEU Webinar!
Live CEU Webinar: Denial Management in a Post ICD-10 Implementation
payers tighten ICD-10 claim requirements, denials may start to increase. Don't
let ICD-10 denials become a revenue drain. Take the necessary steps now to
maximize your reimbursement.
Learn how to update your denial management process to meet the challenges of ICD-10 by attending a complimentary webinar on Tuesday, March 22nd at 1 pm EDT/10 am PDT: Denial Management in a Post ICD-10 Implementation World.
Register now.
During this one-hour webinar, you'll hear industry expert Tammy Tipton, president of Appeal Solutions, discuss:
Or copy and paste the link below into your
browser to register.
Learn how to update your denial management process to meet the challenges of ICD-10 by attending a complimentary webinar on Tuesday, March 22nd at 1 pm EDT/10 am PDT: Denial Management in a Post ICD-10 Implementation World.
Register now.
During this one-hour webinar, you'll hear industry expert Tammy Tipton, president of Appeal Solutions, discuss:
- Payer ICD-10 performance - requests for documentation, prompt payment issues and
seeking quality claims processing performance.
- Determining if ICD-10 physician engagement is working
or withering - tips on perfecting clinical
documentation auditing, gap analysis and setting up clear denial
management goals.
- The importance of appeals - the impact of stricter specificity requirements,
pay-for-performance uncertainty and how to mitigate financial impact.
Participants can earn 1.0 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) from the
AAPC and PAHCOM by attending the live webinar.*
Register for this webinar today!
Register for this webinar today!
Or copy and paste the link below into your
browser to register.
*This program has the prior approval of
AAPC for continuing education hours. Granting of prior approval in no way
constitutes endorsement by AAPC of the program content or the program sponsor.

Navicure Updates Needed
Shared Genius: February 2016
Shared Genius Practice Solutions From one Genius to Another.
February 2016 includes:
New Events, Updates, & connecting with Genius & our help resources made easier.
Available now!
Seminars, Webinars, and Events
New Navicure webinar Tuesday, February 16th at 1 pm EST/10 am PST:
New ehrTHOMAS webinars (various dates)
New Genius Webinars (various dates)
Two New Genius Focus Groups in March 10 & 16
Shared Genius: January 2016
Shared Genius Practice Solutions From one Genius to Another.
January 2016 includes:
Focus Group Seminar, Updates, E-mail, & more!
Available now!
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