
Shared Genius: January 2016

Shared Genius Practice Solutions From one Genius to Another.

January 2016 includes:
Focus Group Seminar, Updates, E-mail, & more!

Available now!

Genius Solutions' 2016 Focus Group Seminars Begin!

The first one is here in Warren, MI at Genius Solutions: Wednesday, January 27, 2016. The Seminar begins at 9:00a.m. and ends at 3:00p.m
All of the following locations & dates are still to be determined, but here is the plan. Please check out our EVENTS page for updates as they become available.
  • Troy – February
  • Mt. Pleasant – March
  • Lansing – April
  • Warren – May
For more details, download the flier with registration .pdf Download Here!

eTHOMAS Tips & Tricks

Did you know you can click on the word “eMail” inside the Patient Information screen for your patients? 

If you have an e-mail address entered for a patient, you can click on "eMail" and your default mail program will be opened (in most cases) with the e-mail address from the Patient Information automatically entered in the Send To box for you! Then you can type up your message to your patient and send it! 

**PS - Remember if you choose to send e-mails to your patients, bear in mind HIPAA rules and be aware of any information that you send, always remembering that e-mail is like sending mail that is wide open. Expect that anyone can get to it and do NOT send sensitive information.** 

Where can I find out about the changes that were released in an eTHOMAS Update? 

Within eTHOMAS, if you go to Messaging >What’s New, the notable changes released up to the version that your eTHOMAS is currently on, will be listed along with a description of the change. 

Watch our one minute video to see how ADAMS patient contact solution can help your office!

Got a Tip?

If you have a question or tip you would like shared, please e-mail us and we'll take a look at it. This is SHARED GENIUS after all. :D 

— Genius Solutions, Inc. 

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