Week 6
Genius Solutions in conjunction with The Clinical Genius Program are pleased to announce 5-Credit Hours on Chiropractic Care for Concussion and Post-Concussion Syndrome are available next Thursday!
Week 6 of 10-Hours of Continuing Education through Northwestern Health Sciences University is here!
Dear Doctor,
Next Thursday, July 9th, we will have a five-hour session:
Hour 1-
Three case studies consisting of two sports-related and one motor vehicle accident-related concussion. Each one will include an introduction to the mechanism of injury, when concussion ends and post-concussion syndrome begins, sequelae of symptoms left untreated.
Hour 2-
We discuss the mechanism of injury that is required for a concussive event. It will include Kinematics and Kinetics to sustain a concussion, determine it's a functional injury (not a bruising of the brain), the metabolic cascade (electrical storm phase and spreading depression phase), common syndromes.
Hour 3-
We discuss the elements needed for proper history and examination of the concussed patient. History (what happened, initial symptoms, how many past concussions, how long to recover), Examination (balance, cervical spine evaluation, neurological evaluation, autonomic nervous system evaluation, soft-tissue).
Hour 4-
We introduce the attendees to cutting edge therapies and treatments for the successful management of concussion and post-concussion syndrome. (Kinetisense system, ARPneuro, Brain Tap HRV, Brain Tap, NormaTec, Motion Guidance, Low Force Chiropractic Adjustments).
Hour 5-
We discuss when to return a student-athlete to school and eventually to sport participation. Initially 3-days of rest, a gradual return to learn, and then a gradual return to play.
Click Here to Register!
I also look forward to seeing you for Chiropractic Care for Concussion and Post-Concussion Syndrome: July 9, 2020, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM EDT (5-Hours) - Ted
Click Here to Register!
$100 for this 5-hour, 5 CE "Introduction to Chiropractic Care of Concussion" Class
To Register CLICK HERE!
State Board Approvals: Here is a list of states that will allow doctors to earn via streaming/online and where we are approved, sponsor.
- Colorado up to 10 hours per year
- Connecticut can earn all ours online or stream
- Delaware 24 hours per biennium when interactive with the instructor
- District of Columbia all hours
- Idaho allows 6 hours of the 18 they need
- Illinois due to COVID-19 temporarily allowing all hours to be earned online or streaming until 7/31/20
- Indiana will temporarily allow distance learning for all CE hours until 7/1/20
- Iowa all 40 hours allowed
- Maine 12 hours of the 48 per biennium allowed
- Maryland all 48 CE hours/2 years can be earned online
- Massachusetts 12 CE hours/year can be earned online or streaming
- Michigan 15 CE hours/year online or streaming
- Mississippi temporarily allowing those offered by CCE approve colleges
- Montana all 12 CE hours/year can be online or streaming
- Nebraska temporarily allowing all online or home study due to COVID (used to limited to 6 of 36 per biennium)
- Oregon allows 20 hours per year
- Rhode Island up to 30 of their 60 hours every 3 years – must be direct interaction with the instructor (streaming)
- South Carolina up to 18 hours of 36 required every 2 years
- Vermont allows all CE online
- Virginia allows 30 of the 60 per biennium to be online
I look forward to seeing you over the next few weeks.
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