
Happy Earth Day, How Paperless are you?

We're not saying we have the answers to everything, although we do have quite a few, especially if you want to go paperless.  Going paperless isn't just for the environment (although I am a tree lover-tree hugging leaves scratches), it really is for the efficiency of your office. 

Let's list some of the ways going more paperless can help you:

  • Easier record look up
  • Easier record storage and back up, neater, more legible records
  • Easier to do and follow the newer, more documentation driven guidelines (proving medical necessity and backing up your treatments against audit)
  • Easier to make, take, and change things like appointments
  • Billing can be nearly seamless from the doctors documentation into the billing (making billing easier, more accurate, and much quicker)
  • Better billing and record keeping allow for better reporting to keep, maintain, and increase your office's pulse (in a good way)
  • Statement & claim production can be nearly painless
  • Even appointment reminder calls can be made easier and cost less man hours to perform and track

Heck, going paperless cannot only save trees, it can save your sanity and help you to keep more money in your pocket.

Here are some Genius solutions for your paper dilemmas:
  • THOMAS:  Do you use THOMAS features to their fullest to keep pictures of patients & their insurance cards? How about to keep notes and prescriptions? Does your appointment book work for you? Are you autoposting your payments? And that's just a starters.
  • EHR:  An Electronic Health records system can help you with documentation, notes, compliance, and auditing concerns
  • ADAMS: Automated Dialing Appointment reMinder System, can take the time out of insuring your appointment schedule for you, freeing up your personnel to be more personal.
  • The "E"s: E-Prescribing, E-Statements, E-Claims, ETF, E-Cash (ok, I made that one up for Credit/Debit cards)

Maybe saving the planet today is a bit further down the list than the rest of your office dilemmas today, but it doesn't have to be that way.  Even if you don't save a tree today, you may save yourself a few gray hairs.

Call (800-645-0955) or e-mail for more information on how we can help you to go paperless and get paid more, and feel free to leave a comment about any other methods you are using in your office to go green (or at least less gray).

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