If you've spoken with support here at Genius, you may have heard us say "We Care". It's not just a tag line, it is our culture here at Genius Solutions. In a world where everyone talks about being inclusive, but just about everything every day is trying to force divisions and pull us apart, I can say that working here at Genius is a pretty special place to be. I've been with Genius for 15 years now, and it is one of the most inclusive, kind, generous, sharing, and giving places I have ever been. We care about our clients, we care about our work, we care about each other, and we care about the things each of us love as well.
We love to eat and we love to give. I can tell you most of us have gained a bit more than love and friendship here - We love our soup and food cook-offs and challenges, we love free lunches, and we even rally for lunches that aren't free because they are for a good cause. We vote on cook-offs with socks that we give to an organization that makes sure those who need them, have them. We buy raffle tickets to have a chance to soak a manager (who graciously volunteered to be soaked.) We bring in Toys for Tots. We gather blankets, jackets, and clothes for local shelters, and gather dimes and walk for the March of Dimes. We show solidarity and love for fellow co-workers and their family members when the office goes pink and walks for breast cancer. And so much more. We love to share fun and food, but it always seems to make it funner for us, if we are somehow sharing it with others.
So, you can imagine with at least half the office boasting ourselves as proud pet parents that we also take time every year to help pets in some way. We have had lunch and breakfast and other things and raised money for Animal Rescue. One of the rescues we've worked with in the past is A Rejoyceful Animal Rescue. At least a dozen of us have rescue dogs and at least half a dozen of us have or do work with rescues as fosters, transport, or whatever is needed. But we never would have imagined how all of this would come back around and work out even more LOVE-ly.
Recently a Genius family was asked to stop over and take care of a dog while the owner was out of town. But it didn't turn out to be that simple, Bubba seemed to be suffering from neglect. Bubba was found with his head caught in the bars of a crate that was too small for him. After that first visit, Bubba seemed to take a turn for the worse, like he somehow knew he just couldn't hold out any longer.
The Genius family looking after Bubba took him into the vet. It was found that Bubba was suffering from malnutrition, dehydration, an enlarged heart, and numerous facial and paw wounds. The small crate not only contributed to his other wounds but had caused new wounds to his head and developmental issues to his legs over time.

Already knowing about the great work that A Rejoyceful Animal Rescue does, the family thought they might be able to help Bubba, more than just bringing him food. They reached out to the rescue, for Bubba. Initially, the Genius family was told that the rescue was at capacity and wouldn't be able to help, but as anyone who has worked with or in a good rescue knows... you can't help it, you always find a way to help just one more. They got Bubba to a nearby animal hospital where he has received the best care and he is starting to recover. At the time of his arrival, he was unable to walk or support his own body. Within just four days, Bubba was able to get around and enjoy visitors taking him for walks and showing him love and affection. It's only been a little more than a week and Bubba still has a ways to go in his healing and recovery, but now he has that chance.
As of now, as soon as he is released from the animal hospital, it looks like Bubba already has a forever family waiting to bring him home, love him, and finish his recovery with him.
Little acts of kindness and generosity can seem small or lost in a big world, but when they stack up, miracles can occur - like Bubba.
Thank-you to A Rejoyceful Animal Rescue - for taking in "just one more dog" and getting him the help and forever love he needed. We are very grateful, and you can be sure that you are on our list of new and future fun-draisers too. We love what you do even more now. Thanks.
If you would like to support A Rejoyceful Animal Rescue in any way, you can find them here:
https://www.facebook.com/rejoycefulrescue/ While it's true that rescues always need money, they also need fosters, transporters, and other resources, no help is ever really too small and you really will be saving lives.