
eTHOMAS v8 Has Been Officially Retired

As of March 1st, we will no longer produce any further changes to the eTHOMAS v8 system.
  This doesn't mean that if you call we will not assist you with your v8 questions, what it does mean is that there will be no further changes or updates made to the program.  This includes any billing, insurance, or new government changes.

V8 is officially retired.

We strongly recommend that you update to eTHOMAS v9 as soon as possible.  Call or e-mail to make an appointment with us to update.  Version 9 has some fantastic new bells and whistles, it is faster and even more customizable.  It has more of everything that makes eTHOMAS great and will make your office life even easier.

Remember as an active eTHOMAS client all updates to your eTHOMAS program are free!

Call us at 586-751-9080/800-645-0955 and choose support or e-mail your update request to support23@geniussolutions.com and Genius customer service will call and schedule an appointment with you.

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