
New Webinar Dates - We're Back!

Ok, you've been wondering.... I've got news!

The ICD-10 weekly webinars are BACK! And start tomorrow. Just like last year, the webinars are free, but you do need to register for them. Yes, there will be a live question and answer session at the end. Get ready now by signing up! The link is always available on the "Events" page and on the "ICD-10" page as well.

Yes - if you haven't seen it - New ehrTHOMAS Meaningful Use webinars are up and available for both Stage 1 and Stage to, with additional webinars for Microsoft's HealthVault. These webinars are also free to you, but again, you need to sign up for any you wish to take.


Shared Genius for February 2015

Shared Genius Practice Solutions From one Genius to Another.

February 2015 includes:
Supplemental claim information & more!

Available now!