
BCBS of Michigan to Require Claims to be Submitted Electronically as of June 30, 2017

BCBSM will require professional providers to submit claims electronically as of June 30, 2017

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has notified providers that it will no longer accept paper submitted professional claims from providers who have the capability to submit electronically, effective June 30, 2017. These types professional claim types must now be submitted electronically.

· Original claims
· Replacement claims
· Void or cancel claims
· Any claim that includes services for which you will submit medical records

For more information and the complete scoop, please read the BCBSM article directly and we suggest strongly that you sign up for their mailing list.


June 2017 Shared Genius


Shared Genius

Practice Solutions

From one genius to another.

June 2017

Sending Statement Files and TSI Profit Recovery Files just got easier!

You are now only 1-click away from getting your files to us.
The Genius Data Sender program is going away! You will no longer be bounced out of THOMAS to send an automated statement or TSI Profit recovery file. Once you click "Send" using the Send button in THOMAS, your files will.... well, they will just send. One click and done.