
Meaningful Use Definition to Include Mental Health Providers?

US Healthcare

Bill S.3709 was introduced to the Senate, and HR 5040 (it’s match) was introduced to the House on August 5th, both by representatives from Rhode Island.  If these bills pass through both houses and become law, it would expand the definition for those that can meaningfully use EHR technology under the HITECH act to include mental health, behavioral health, psychiatric hospitals, and substance abuse professionals and facilities.  If this happens, then mental health professionals would be able to qualify for EHR implementation stimulus funds.

This new act, cited as the "Health Information Technology Extension for Behavioral Health Services Act of 2010", would now include physicians, clinical psychologists, and clinical social workers as Eligible Professionals (EPs) and psychiatric hospitals and substance abuse facilities as potential recipients of federal stimulus funding.  Per the Mental Healthcare Reform web site, “The bill also makes these entities eligible for assistance from Health IT Regional Extension Centers.”

The general consensus is that keeping mental health out of the loop and away from the benefits of Health IT, not only limits them, but puts limits on their patient care.  It is thought that by having and sharing patient information electronically that they can give better care to their patients, and that their patients can also receive better care outside of them.  If all parties are sharing the same patient health, history, and drug information between various specialties and providers, a “whole” health picture is available and “whole” health solutions will be possible.

For more information:
You can visit www.opencongress.org and follow up on the progress of both the house and senate bills directly.
You can also visit and keep in touch at the AMA news web site http://www.ama-assn.org/amednews/2010/08/16/gvbf0816.htm

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