
You must be using 5010 TODAY or you WILL NOT BE PAID!

Per BCBSM (MI) As of today you will begin receiving REJECTIONS FOR ANY CLAIMS NOT SENT IN THE 5010 FORMAT.

Most of you have been and are using the 5010 format already. If you have not switched over you need to visit our 5010 webpage immediately- http://www.geniussolutions.com/5010/

  • Back up your THOMAS data
  • Update your THOMAS

The rejections you will begin seeing IF YOU ARE NOT USING 5010 will be as follows:

Rejected v4010 claims will return on 277CA reports with the
following edits:
  • A3 493 P620 PAYER NOT ACCEPTING CLAIMS IN VERSION 4010(Professional)
  • A3 493 F620 PAYER NOT ACCEPTING CLAIMS IN VERSION 4010(Institutional)
Rejected claims will need to be resubmitted in v5010 format.

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