
DrFirst Offers a Free, New Service to You - Our ehrTHOMAS Users!

DrFirst Enhanced Notification System For Undeliverable Prescriptions

DrFirst is proud to announce the release of our enhanced notification system for undeliverable prescriptions. As part of your eprescribing license DrFirst has provided a dedicated team to monitoring the successful transmission of all prescriptions sent through our system. This service is now being enhanced to provide a more robust offering that will deliver alerts in real-time to your phone. With this new offering we expect that it will greatly improve the experience of patients visiting your office if a script becomes undeliverable to the pharmacy.

When a script is sent and is accepted by the DrFirst system we attempt to deliver that prescription to the pharmacy chosen by the prescriber and patient. If, for some reason, it cannot be delivered electronically, then DrFirst attempts to fax the script on your behalf up to three times. If it continues to fail, then the DrFirst Support Desk attempts to resolve the issue prior to marking the script undeliverable and returning it to the sender. Unfortunately, this can take some time to complete. Typically the patient gets to the pharmacy prior to the completion of this routine, resulting in callbacks, unhappy patients, unhappy doctors, and unhappy staff-members.

Our new service will deliver alerts after a prescription fails to be delivered electronically AND is not successfully delivered after 3 fax attempts, which takes about 10 minutes from the time the eprescription is filed. This models our current manual process that is followed by our dedicated monitoring staff but provides you the information at a much faster pace. Prescribers can now receive alerts on their smartphone or desktop via the DrFirst Backline secure texting app. We expect this will support most office workflows and facilitate the best experience for prescribers and their patients.

To begin using our new system please speak with your ehrTHOMAS Implementation team to begin the implementation process. DrFirst is providing training webinars if you would like to gain a deeper understanding of the new feature and ask any questions you may have. Please let the ehrTHOMAS Implementation team know if you would like to take advantage of this advanced training.

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