
Netiquette- Online Etiquette

By Penny Henriksen, Genius Solutions' News writer and editor

Do you have Netiquette? No, I’m not talking about those hairnets your grandmother uses to keep her curls in order. I’m talking about proper etiquette on the “net” (over the Internet)—Netiquette.

With the advent of cell phones and text messaging the written word has taken a real nosedive, this is your chance to bone up on a form of art that many consider to be the true sign of civilization- written words. Our mass migration to the World Wide Web (WWW) seems quite inevitable and is not a bad thing, but it is a very good time to review manners and courtesies in communicating with each other online. This is especially true as we begin to seriously reach out and communicate with each other via e-mail. To this end we list a few of the e-manners that will make you an e-superstar!


  • Make it personal by using the person’s name and a proper/courteous title when addressing your e-mail.
  • Use clear and meaningful “subject” lines.
  • Properly use language, spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
  • Be concise when writing your e-mails. Be to the point and stick to the facts.
  • Use courtesy. Remember to use “please”, “thank-you”, and “thank you in advance”.
  • Answer swiftly (within 24 hours is recommended), and answer all questions on a point-by-point basis.
  • Respond with the message thread. It is easier for someone to see and remember the flow of your e-mail communications with the thread still attached.
  • Be responsive, not reactive. E-mail isn’t like being able to hear someone’s tone of voice, or see a facial expression so, always reread your e-mail before you click the “send” button to see how it “sounds”.
  • Sign-off politely with “Sincerely”, “Best Regards”, etc.
Showing your true self, especially in e-mail, is a daunting challenge. Always remember that the ultimate purpose of email and other forms of communication is to achieve mutual understanding, while avoiding misunderstanding. Now, go forth, write beautifully, and communicate with Netiquette.

For more in-depth information on “Netiquette” visit the following web sites:

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