
A Month Without Consultation Codes

It's January and Medicare no Longer Accepting Consultation Codes

I found this great Q & A document from the American College of Cardiology (ACC) regarding the handling of consultation codes.  I thought the cardiologists would find it very useful, and that other specialists might learn from it to.  I especially liked how they stressed that it is Medicare that has stopped the use of consultation codes, not everyone else.  You should check with your carriers, but it looks like you will still probably bill your consults for everyone but Medicare (which no longer accepts them).

If anyone else comes across good information on this or has some tips & tricks they've come across in billing without them this month, please send me word.  Often the best help is what you can give each other.

Thanks, Penny
Genius News and Editor
newsletter2010 @ geniussolutions.com
(Don't forget to remove the spaces in the address when you e-mail me.)

Links to:
ACC- http://www.acc.org/
ACC consult document- http://www.acc.org/advocacy/advoc_issues/Consultations%202010.doc

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